Problem: Your Brain
Needs PS to Function

Like a car engine, your brain is a delicate machine and without the right fuel it can begin to sputter and misfire, making you:

  • Forget Names
  • Forget Places
  • Forget where you dropped your keys

You need to ensure your brain in receiving adequate supplies of a bio-molecule called Phosphatidylseine (or PS for short). PS naturally occurs in your body and is most concentrated in your brain. Your body makes PS, but it takes a HUGE AMOUNT of energy to do so.

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Why Does Your Brain Need PS?

Vanderbil University

Our own production of PS declines as we age. This results in one of the biggest signs of aging - mental decline. As you get older changes in brain membrane composition may lead to impairment in learning and memory.

PS naturally addresses this problem - keeping your brain healthy and enhancing your memory. This was all revealed in a landmark clinical study conducted by Standford Medical School, Vanderbilt Medical School and The Memory Assessment Clinic.

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Solution: Improve PS Production!!!

What PS can do for the aging human mind and memory is amazing! It allows you to turn back the clock and reverse 12 years of cognitive again.

  • Turn your brain into a younger, better functioning version of its current self.
  • Wake up your “sleeping brain” and increase learning potential by 44%!
  • Enhance chemical messengers in the brain and boost memory and recall by 30%!

Doctors have concluded that PS prevents the equivalent of
12 years of memory decline!

With Mem-Plex Ultra you’ll reap the benefits of PS along with other proven effective brain boosting nutrients – Quickly and Easily!

This powerful supplement makes “feeding your brain” a whole lot easier!

It contains the nutrients you need to support good brain health in an easy-to-swallow capsule.

Mem-Plex Ultra

Mem-Plex Ultra is proven to help ...

Mem-Plex Ultra
Increased intellectual stamina
Strengthened thought power
Sharpened mental acuity
Enhanced learning abilities
Better Concentration
Enhanced Brain Energy
Improved Mood
Enhanced Ability to Focus
Enhanced mental Alertness
And Much, Much More!

You get all of this... without breaking your budget!

Why is Mem-Plex Ultra so Much More Effective Than Other Memory Aids?

It’s specially formulated to work fast!
Nutrients pass through the blood-brain barrier and provide proper nourishment instead of being expelled from the body without being used (which is what happens with many other supplements). As a result, brain performance improves and you ...

  • Remember people’s names with ease
  • Read with more speed and greater understanding
  • Impress your peers and colleagues at work with your mental abilities
  • Dominate social situations with your fast thinking
  • And more

Mem-Plex Ultra is a more powerful memory and brain booster than
Ginkgo Biloba, Fish Oil, Resveratrol, Curcumin & Other So-Called Solutions!

How Mem-Plex
Ultra Works

Mem-Plex Ultra floods your brain with important nutrients so that brain function is supercharged and you begin to remember more and increase your mental clarity and focus. 3 key ingredients found in this special formula are:

Bacopa Monnieri

This nutrient has long been prized in India as a mental stimulant and memory booster. Bacopa monnieri showed significant improvements in mental control, logical memory and paired associated learning. Researchers concluded that “Bacopa monnieri is effective in subjects with age-associated memory impairment.”


This vital protein found in coffee can boost Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) by 200% for faster learning and better memory. In one study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, 100 mg of NeuroFactor was compared to other nutrients to see their effect on BDNF. NeuroFactor was shown to stimulate a 143% increase in BDNF in healthy humans.

AND, of course, Phosphatidylserine (PS)

Thomas H. Crook, III PhD., co-author of The Memory Cure, says PS is “A fail safe way to turn back the clock for an aging brain.” It has been proven effective in 27 double-blind clinical trials.

Thousand of Satisfied Customers:


"Mem-Plex Ultra has truly been a brain saver."

Richard C.

"With Mem-Plex Ultra, I have good concentration and optimum reaction times."


"I was having trouble remembering the simplest things. Names of flowers, new friends' names were lost. Since taking Mem-Plex Ultra, my memory has gotten much better."


"With Mem-Plex Ultra, I fell a greater sense of clarity and focus. I have been able to concentrate to a greater degree as well. Most importantly, my short term memory seems to have improved. I feel more confident while I'm teaching and feel more relaxed when I'm trying to remember someone's name."

Robert H.

"I've been taking Mem-Plex Ultra for about a year, and I'm happy that my memory has improved."

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Yes! I want to Reverse 12 Years of Brain Aging ...

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Your Satisfaction is our #1 Priority …

If you are unhappy with Mem-Plex Ultra, simply return it within 90 days of receiving it and we’ll give you a full refund (less shipping and handling).

No questions asked!

Asked Questions

What is Mem-Plex Ultra and how will it help me?

Mem-Plex Ultra is a carefully formulated brain boosting supplement that supplies your brain with important nutrients that help it function optimally. Scientists now know that certain nutrients and chemical compounds, like PS, are essential to human brain function. Serious deficiencies can lead to impaired cognitive function due to neurological, or nerve fiber, complications. This impaired cognitive function can in turn affect your independence, your quality of life, and even your economic status. This powerful product contains the ingredients you need to support good brain health in an easy-to-swallow capsule.

What separates Mem-Plex Ultra from the competition?

Mem-Plex Ultra contains PS, among other ingredients, that can reverse cognitive aging and help your brain function like it is years younger. WebMD says about PS: “Phosphatidylserine plays an important role in keeping your mind and memory sharp. It covers and protects the cells in your brain and carries messages between them.” Parris M. Kidd, PhD, internationally recognized cell biologist and authority on nutrient and health, says: “PS can revitalize the declining brain and partially restore memory and higher brain functions that have been lost.”

Do I need a prescription to take Mem-Plex Ultra?

No, Mem-Plex is available to you without a prescription.
It contains only safe, natural ingredients.

Is there clinical research to support Mem-Plex Ultra?

The ingredients in Mem-Plex Ultra are all backed by studies that show they help improve mental capabilities. Several of those studies have been mentioned on this page. More resources are provided at the bottom of the page. In all, there are 3,000+ peer-reviewed research papers and 27 double-blind clinical studies that confirm PS’s remarkable memory-boosting power. There are also clinical studies that confirm the ability of Bacopa monnieri and NeuroFactor for enhancing memory and improving brain health.

How soon can I expect to experience benefits from taking Mem-Plex Ultra?

Results vary by individual. Many customers have noticed benefits in just a matter of days but we recommend taking the supplement for at least 30 days to get a better idea of all the benefits it can offer you.

What’s my next step?

It’s time to try Mem-Plex Ultra! Remember, with our guarantee you have nothing to lose. Either experience mental benefits or notify us within 90 days to get your purchase price back. To order your supply of Mem-Plex Ultra, just click on the button below.

Refund Policy

If you are unhappy with a product, simply return it within 90 days of receiving it and we’ll give you a full refund of your purchase price minus shipping and handling.

It’s that simple.